Winter’s Effect on Solar
Contrary to common belief, solar panel efficiency doesn't require warmer temperatures.
Solar energy has become a popular alternative source of power that is both sustainable and eco-friendly. However, it's misleading to suggest that solar panels can only function on bright sunny days and won't work during winter.
Here are some of the effects of winter weather on solar panels:
Cold weather performance of solar panels
Contrary to common belief, solar panel efficiency doesn't require warmer temperatures. Like any other electronic device, solar panels function normally in cold weather. That's because solar panels produce energy by absorbing light from the sun and not heat.
Typically, the solar system has electrons that produce an electric charge. During winter, these electrons go through a cycle of activation and rest. They rest when the temperatures are cooler and are activated when there's sunlight. This shift from low to high energy creates a large voltage difference, which helps them produce more power.
In addition, cold weather also reduces the resistance in wires conducting the current. This makes them transmit more power.
Snowfall impact on solar energy production
Light snow doesn't prevent solar power production. However, if it accumulates on the solar panels, it reduces their ability to absorb light from the sun.
To prevent this issue, solar panels have dark, reflective glass that attracts heat and melts the top layer of snow. Additionally, panels are positioned at a tilted angle to maximize UV light absorption and disperse the snow.
Nonetheless, some service providers install solar panels with frames on the edges. Although this design can withstand the weight of heavy snowfall, it affects their efficiency due to snowfall accumulation. Homeowners living in snowy areas should install their solar panels without these frames.
Furthermore, snow-covered ground reflects sunlight to the solar panels, increasing overall energy output.
Solar energy production in short winter days
During winter days, solar panels rarely attain their peak efficiency. Heavy snowfall blocks the sun. Additionally, the shortened days reduce the time a solar panel has contact with direct sunlight.
Homeowners can counter this by adjusting the tilt angles of their solar panels. This allows sunlight to hit them more directly and increases power production.
Winter care for solar batteries
Unlike solar panels, solar batteries are vulnerable to cold weather. In part because cooler temperatures can trigger a battery to self-discharge. If the battery discharges to very low levels, it ceases to function or fails to attain a full recharge.
Homeowners should properly insulate their solar batteries by placing them on wooden frames or foil. They can also apply copper grease on sensitive components to prevent dampness and shortening.
Keep solar power up and running
Solar panels can produce energy throughout the year, regardless of weather conditions. Frequent maintenance tasks and routine checks by a professional can keep the solar system working optimally.
SG Electrical is a licensed, bonded, and insured solar and electrical company serving residential, commercial, and industrial customers in Coachella Valley. Highly--trained experts install, repair, clean, and maintain solar panels and provide comprehensive electrical services. Call us at (760)501-2423.